Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How to Deal with Seasonal Allergies

It's that time of the year again when the itchy eyes, scratchy throats and runny noses are the inevitable for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Now that the weather is (slightly) changing, and the nature of things are moving around, those with allergies are more likely to feel aggitated by various symtoms. We complied some tips on how to make sure this spring, your seasonal allergies don't take over your life!

1) Use an air conditioner.
While it's near impossible to keep your house, car and office dust and pollen free, using an air conditioner will help to keep the air in your living space clean. Just be sure to use a high-efficiency filter and keep up with the regular maintenance to ensure that the air circulating is clean.

2) Protect yourself when pollen counts are high.
You can check online or with your local news station to see when pollen counts are high. On days were the pollen forecast are higher than normal, take precautions by taking allergy medications before the sneezing even begins.

3) Consider  getting an allergy shot.
If your allegeries are really unbearable, it might be a good idea to research allergy shots. They can help to offer relief in severe cases, especially if your allergies are interferring with your day to day activities.

4) Take daily vitamins.
Vitamins will help to provide you with a natural relief to your allergies. Taking daily doses of  Probiotics, Omega 3s and Vitamins A, C, E can help to reduce symptoms.

5) Eat more fruit.
This goes hand in hand with taking daily vitamins. Antioxidant-rich fruits such as grapes, and red apples are packed with vitamin C, and can protect against nasel irritants, sneezing and congestion.

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