Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Kardashians Speak on North West Name & Sike Out BFFs!

As if the Kardashians didn't already have reason to smile, the birth of Kimye's new baby girl has the entire family grinning from ear to ear!

Since the birth of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's new bundle of joy, rumors of a confirmed name have been swirling around the net. Yesterday, Kardashian ring leader/mom/momanger, Kris Jenner, took to The View confirming that the newest addition to the clan was in fact, North West.

Check out the Kardashian matriarch giving the world some insight as to why the directional name was chosen, and her stamp of "Pro-North" approval.

Now that the cat is out of the bag on the name, the world is dying to know- does little North resemble her reality television mogul Mom, or her musical superstar Dad? We know that the family has some sort of elaborate, and strategic trick up their sleeve to reveal photos to the world, all in Kardashian time. In efforts to keep photos airtight until that very moment,  reports claim that sneaky Kim K. sent around fake photos of her new baby to close friends. According to TMZ, someone in their tight knit circle, tried to hock the photos to the highest bidder. Talk about a game of trust! They say motherhood changes you, and looks like Kim is finally becoming a bit more protective of her personal life.

Guess someone in Kimmy's inner circle isn't much of a bestie, huh? We just wonder which BFF is getting the axe!

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