Monday, August 19, 2013

Big News for American Idol Fans!

It's been quite the season for American Idol! From riffs between dueling judges Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj, to long time judge Randy Jackson announcing his departure, the show is making quite the transformation. Rumors swirled of who the new judges would be, and now we can finally confirm, that the diva-lious Ms. Jennifer Lopez will be returning for Season 13 of the popular show.

Jenny from the Block will be joined by Keith Urban, however no word of any other judges have been confirmed. The news comes to the public after Lopez's long time boyfriend let the cat out of the bag in a recent interview with E! Online news. Fox reps are yet to make an official announcement of J.LO's return to the singing competition, but they did confirm that she was in talks of a multi-million dollar deal. 
Along with a clean slate of judges, the show has given the boot to long-time executive producers Nigel Lythgoe, and Ken Warick, and have recruited new, fresh thinkers to add some spice to the show. 

Fox head honcho Kevin Reilly says, "[The new producers have] come in with dynamic ideas to tinker with the format between the auditions and the live ... We want some judges that are good at the job, that people like, that will refocus our attention on the contestants. We want some comfortable judges who make it comfortable to view and make it comfortable for the contestants."

Auditions for Season 13 are currently underway, and the show returns to Fox in the winter of 2014. 

Are you happy with the news of Ms. Lopez's return? Let us know in the comments below!

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