Thursday, August 1, 2013

Justin Bieber is CLEAR of Hit & Run Charges

The Biebs can flash a huge smile, as he's in the clear of legal woes..for now at least!

Last month, teen heartthrob Justin Bieber was involved in a hit and run accident when he allegedly hit a photographer and took off in his all white Ferrari. Yesterday a Los Angeles District Attorney rejected the case, and cleared him of all charges due to insufficient evidence that Bieber knowingly fled the scene of the crime.

Reports claim that when leaving the Laugh Factory back in June, Bieber unknowingly pinned a photographer who was trying to take his photo between his car, and another parked car. The photographer was taken to the hospital at the scene, but by the time the ambulance and police arrived, the singer was no where to be found.

Though, the teen has cleared his name in this specific incident, he is still under investigation for reckless driving (who gave this guy a license?!) In addition to that, he was investigated for battery when an altercation with a neighbor ensued near to his Calabasas, CA home.

Yikes! This is pretty heavy for a young man of only 19 years. We hope the Biebs isn't on the same destructive path that we've seen lots of teen stars go down. Maybe having Selena Gomez back in his life will help him to clean up the not-so-square image he is creating!  

What do you think of Justin's recent behavior?!

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