Monday, October 7, 2013

Music Mondays: Justin Bieber- "Heartbreaker"

This Canadian cutie has been dropping hints and teasing fans of a new single for months, and now the time is finally here! Last night, the heartthrob announced to his faithful followers via Twitter about the new single, now available on iTunes. Listen below:

Bieber adds more sentimental value to the new single, making the ladies swoon, by outlining the song's inspiration in a short and sweet note: "Heartbreaker. It's a song for people going through a heartbreak-like I was when I wrote it. It means so much to me to be able to share what I was, and still am going through, with my fans. I'm very proud of this song and I hope it give my fans some insight into my heart. -JB"

Sigh. Well, Justin, we're sure that you can find one or two ladies that would just LOVE to be your shoulder to cry on!

What do you think of Justin's new single? Sound off in the comments below!

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