Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How to Deal with Seasonal Allergies

It's that time of the year again when the itchy eyes, scratchy throats and runny noses are the inevitable for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Now that the weather is (slightly) changing, and the nature of things are moving around, those with allergies are more likely to feel aggitated by various symtoms. We complied some tips on how to make sure this spring, your seasonal allergies don't take over your life!

1) Use an air conditioner.
While it's near impossible to keep your house, car and office dust and pollen free, using an air conditioner will help to keep the air in your living space clean. Just be sure to use a high-efficiency filter and keep up with the regular maintenance to ensure that the air circulating is clean.

2) Protect yourself when pollen counts are high.
You can check online or with your local news station to see when pollen counts are high. On days were the pollen forecast are higher than normal, take precautions by taking allergy medications before the sneezing even begins.

3) Consider  getting an allergy shot.
If your allegeries are really unbearable, it might be a good idea to research allergy shots. They can help to offer relief in severe cases, especially if your allergies are interferring with your day to day activities.

4) Take daily vitamins.
Vitamins will help to provide you with a natural relief to your allergies. Taking daily doses of  Probiotics, Omega 3s and Vitamins A, C, E can help to reduce symptoms.

5) Eat more fruit.
This goes hand in hand with taking daily vitamins. Antioxidant-rich fruits such as grapes, and red apples are packed with vitamin C, and can protect against nasel irritants, sneezing and congestion.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Quick Sticks are finally here!!

Good news! The Stain-Out Quick Stick is finally here! We're really excited about this product, because it's the perfect little tool to help keep your smile bright and white this summer. It's great for everyone, but it works especially well if you're a smoker, red wine and tea and coffee drinker. It helps to remove stains in a snap with minimal senstivity, and it's so small that it fits perfectly in your pocket or purse. Get your Quick Stick today at www.powerswabs.com, and enjoy limited time offers now! Who doesn't want to  keep those pearly whites gleaming all the time?!

Monday, May 20, 2013

5 Tips To Help Kick Start Your Monday

Sigh. It's Monday again, and it's a new week. Where did the weekend go? It's easy to get lost in the Monday blues, but we have 5 helpful tips to get you through the top of the week!

1. Brush with Power Swabs Power Gloss Toothpaste.
Start your morning out right, by brushing with the refreshing Power Swabs Power Gloss toothpaste.  A fresh mouth, and white teeth will help to provoke a smile, and a smile is certain to lighten your mood!

2. Plan Ahead.
Take some time on the weekend to pre-plan and schedule your week. Being organized and prepared for the week will help you to develop a clear picture and goals for your week, relieving that Monday morning stress.

3. Pack a delicious lunch.
Prepare yourself a yummy lunch. Having a delicious lunch to look forward will help you to get through those first few morning hours, and leave you feeling satisfied and content to tackle the afternoon.

4. Plan your next weekend.
Plan something fun for next weekend. This will motivate you to get through the week, and get to your fabulous next weekend plans!

5. Forget it's Monday, and Stay Positive!
Keeping an optimistic attitude will help you to conquer your Monday, which will help abolish any negative, downing feelings. Remind yourself that "Today Will Be a Great Day!"

Friday, May 17, 2013

We Have The Secret to the Fountain of Youth!

Everyone's ultimate goal is to look and feel younger. Whether you buy the latest clothing, wear the most expensive make up or go on extreme diets, we are always looking for new ways to conserve our youth. What if you could look and feel younger in just 5 minutes? What if you didn't have to spend hundreds of dollars on the latest fashions, make up or those diet plans? Would you be interested? We have a secret we just HAVE to share with you!

University studies show that people with yellow and stained teeth appear on average to be 13 years older than people with white teeth. Yellow teeth= 13 years tacked onto my age?! It's pretty simple, right? Want to look younger, get whiter teeth!

Well, we have a secret that will help not only keep money in your pocket, but help you to looks years younger- Power Swabs Teeth Whitening. Clinical results include seeing an average of 2 shades whiter in only 5 minutes, and 5-6 shades lighter in just 7 days with minimal sensitivity. So investing just 5 minutes of your day to use Power Swabs will help you get whiter teeth, AND help you to look years younger. The Power Swabs Whitening System is the secret to your youth!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Take a Moment and Smile :)

They say "the shortest distance between two people is a smile," and it's true, a smile can lighten any mode, get you out of an awkward situation or simply provoke another smile. Have you ever found yourself lost in thought, and just catch yourself smiling? Thinking about that long awaited tropical vacation, the way your puppy greeted you at the door after a long day, or a loved one..we have some many stresses on a day to day basis, and it's easy for us to get caught up in our busy lives that we sometimes forget to appreciate the little things that make us happy. So today take a moment out of your busy schedule, and smile. Think about what warms your heart, and grin like no one is watching! Hey, it might even turn into a laugh, but one's thing's for sure that small moment with yourself will help to make your day a greater one!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Power Swab Lovers! Send us your before and after pics for a chance to be featured in our upcoming brochure. Send us a DM on our Twitter page, @PowerSwabs, and show us your Power Swabs smile!!!!


Power Swabs is always looking for innovative ways to make you feel better, and look younger, and we all know that the best way to do this is with a brighter and whiter smile!

We have come up with a new and exciting product that will help you to achieve this in a quick, easy and fun way! The Quik Stick is a teeth whitening pen that is guaranteed to meet you teeth whitening needs in snap. This product is designed to give you immediate whitening wherever your smile may take you.

Ladies, this is a beauty must have! Fellas, this is the perfect little grooming tool that fits perfectly in your pocket. No more embarrassing red wine or coffee stains after lunch. Your Quik Stick will take care of that! It will be available exclusively online this month, so keep an eye for special offers!