Monday, May 20, 2013

5 Tips To Help Kick Start Your Monday

Sigh. It's Monday again, and it's a new week. Where did the weekend go? It's easy to get lost in the Monday blues, but we have 5 helpful tips to get you through the top of the week!

1. Brush with Power Swabs Power Gloss Toothpaste.
Start your morning out right, by brushing with the refreshing Power Swabs Power Gloss toothpaste.  A fresh mouth, and white teeth will help to provoke a smile, and a smile is certain to lighten your mood!

2. Plan Ahead.
Take some time on the weekend to pre-plan and schedule your week. Being organized and prepared for the week will help you to develop a clear picture and goals for your week, relieving that Monday morning stress.

3. Pack a delicious lunch.
Prepare yourself a yummy lunch. Having a delicious lunch to look forward will help you to get through those first few morning hours, and leave you feeling satisfied and content to tackle the afternoon.

4. Plan your next weekend.
Plan something fun for next weekend. This will motivate you to get through the week, and get to your fabulous next weekend plans!

5. Forget it's Monday, and Stay Positive!
Keeping an optimistic attitude will help you to conquer your Monday, which will help abolish any negative, downing feelings. Remind yourself that "Today Will Be a Great Day!"

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