Thursday, December 5, 2013

'Fast & Furious' Producers Mull Over Franchaise's Future

Fellow cast mates and family members have been grief stricken by the actor's sudden death

As the dust settles, and reality of the eerie death of 'Fast & Furious' star Paul Walker sets in, his fans can't help but wonder what will be the destiny of the franchise's current flick that was mid-production. Reports stated that Walker was scheduled to film key scenes for the film this week, and was more than half way finished, however plans have come to a screeching halt with the actor's untimely death.

Walker was a self-proclaimed adrenaline junkie, and loved fast cars

Producers have toyed with the idea of scrapping the nearly $200 million dollar budget film, and starting from scratch, as it would be difficult to get around the absence of the film's main character, O'Connor. This would cause the studio to also miss their July 2014 release date. Another idea was to use special effects to place Walker's face on another actor's body to complete unfinished scenes. That idea was nixed very quickly, however, for obvious reasons.

Which ever route the studio and producers decide to take, they can be thankful that they are insured for any unforeseen losses and most likely will not have to take a financial hit for re-mapping out scenes, or starting over.

The film's last installment made over $800 million dollars worldwide. Walker was only 40 when he met his death in a fiery high performance car crash this past Saturday with longtime friend, and business partner, Roger Rodas. Officials have recently ruled out drag racing as a factor in the crash.

Hundreds of fans have flocked to the site of where the actor met his death, in vigil


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