Thursday, June 27, 2013

Michelle Obama Joins Instagram!

Say Cheese! The First Lady is All Smiles for her Camera Phone.

If you're not hip to the Facebook owned, photo sharing platform Instagram, you better get with the program quick! The First Lady, Michelle Obama has officially beat you to the punch.

Today, Michelle Obama was all smiles in her first photo post from an account created with the handle @michelleobama, on the rapidly growing social media outlet. The newly created account skyrocketed to over 17k worth of followers, while she is only following one- @whitehouse.

The first photo (with filter and all!) posted by the First Lady captures a moment during her current trip to Africa with the caption, and hashtag: ""My first instagram! So inspired and so impressed by these extraordinary young women. -mo #FLOTUSinAfrica"

Mrs. Obama seems to be getting the hang of things, utilizing the new video option made available to Instagram users recently, posting a video of students performing a welcoming dance.

Our guess is that Mrs. O won't be using the account to post duck-lip inspired selfies...but just for fun, we hope she does!

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