Tuesday, July 2, 2013

New Photos from Steve Jobs Biopic "Jobs" Released!

Get excited! Next month, Steve Jobs biopic "Jobs" will hit a theatre near you. Ashton Kutcher has been the chosen one to portray the Apple co-founder and technology mastermind. Directed by Joshua Michael Stern, the flick will hit theatres on August 16th. Stills from the movie of Ashton in action have been released, and we're super curious to know how well Kelso, we mean Ashton, will convey this role.


In other Apple news, Kanye West recently tweeted a pic of a Father's Day gift from baby mama, Kim K. The photo showed two autographed mice from the Apple co-founders Steve Jobs himself, and Steve Wozniak. Kanye, who's a known admirer of Jobs and the Apple empire, recently told the New York Times in an interview last month, “I think what Kanye West is going to mean is something similar to what Steve Jobs means. I am undoubtedly, you know, Steve of Internet, downtown, fashion, culture. Period. By a long jump." He continues, "I honestly feel that because Steve has passed, you know, it’s like when Biggie passed and Jay-Z was allowed to become Jay-Z … I will be the leader of a company that ends up being worth billions of dollars, because I got the answers. I understand culture. I am the nucleus.”

That's a pretty confident proclamation, but then again, we wouldn't expect anything less from Mr. West!

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