Monday, July 22, 2013

The Royal Baby is On Their Way!

The glowing Mommy flashing her famous smile!

It's official! Buckingham Palace has confirmed that Duchess Kate Middleton has gone into labor early this morning, with Prince Will right by her side. The Royal baby has been one of the highly publicized and anticipated birth since Kimye welcomed North West into the world.

The soon-to-be Mom checked into St. Mary's Hospital in Paddington around 5:45 AM (local time) this morning, and was rumored to have used the Cambridge wng entrance which was also used by the late Princess Diana.

The couple was all smiles when they tied the knot back in 2011.

Celebs and royal fans have been taking to Twitter to give the Duchess and the Prince words of encouragement and excitement, causing the #RoyalBaby to be a trending topic today in the social media world.

Once the #RoyalBaby has made his/her arrival, Buckingham Palace will display the news and details of sex, weight etc. the good ol' fashioned way. An ornate easel, as used for William's birth in 1982, will be displayed outside of Buckingham Palace on the Palace's official letterhead. But don't worry, for those of us not standing outside of the Palace doors waiting eagerly for the news, Palace staff members have been instructed to take to the internet to spread the word.

Whew! Thank goodness for the world!

Do you think it will be a Royal baby girl or boy? Let us know!

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