Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lady Gaga Releases New Single "Applause" Early

Little monsters, get ready! It's the moment you've all been waiting for! 

Yesterday, Mother Monster was forced to release her newest single "Applause" from upcoming album ARTPOP (Interscope, due out November 11) one week early. The early release came to fans in light of the song being leaked, and Gaga declaring a "pop music emergency" to her faithful fans. Within 15 minutes of the release, the single was rocking radio airwaves.

Gaga is pushing the envelope with her new single and album, merging together the idea of art-school concepts and her music. Merging her two purposes, Gaga talks about how she strives and survives on the love of her Little Monsters in this song. 

Listen to "Applause" below, and sound off in the comments on your thoughts of Lady Gaga's new single!

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