Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oprah Wants To Chit-Chat With Paula Deen

Paula Deen all smiles on a better day for the chef.

When Oprah calls, you better answer!

Oprah is putting the word out that she wants a word with the controversial, celebrity chef, Paula Deen. The former talk show Queen said in a recent interview on Monday, that she is game to let Paula Deen tell her story...when she is good and ready emotionally. "I would love to when she is ready to sit down and have a conversation about what all of this has meant to her and how it's sort of settled with her," stated "The Butler" actress at a Los Angeles premiere of her new film. She went on to say, "I think Paula Deen was sort of used as a symbol, but I think lots of people use the word inappropriately all the time."

Until now, Oprah has not been very vocal about Deen's accusations, as the two have publicly had a very connected friendship. 

Deen found herself in the heart of turmoil back in June when a lawsuit was launched against her by former employee at her Georgia restaurant accusing Deen of hurling racial slurs, which Deen admitted to. While she did offer a public apology, endorsers quickly yanked her television and endorsement gigs. 

"I just really want to know what happened," says Winfrey. And who else can get to the bottom of the matter, than Ms. Winfrey herself!

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