Friday, January 24, 2014

Fashion Fridays: Sandra Bullock's 2014 SAG Look!

The Screen Actor's Guild Awards aired last Sunday, and as usual, all the stars came out to play! Some stars glittered, while some were more than drab.

The Heat actress Sandra Bullock shook things up with her metallic green Lanvin gown. Sporting an oversized bow and high slit, the quirky brunette paired the very green dress with metallic Jimmy Choo strappy sandals, and a dainty, antique Fred Leighton snake coiled bracelet, with a hint of emerald. Bullock opted for a messy up-do, and pink cheeks to top off the look.

While some may say she worked the best dressed list for the night, others raise an eyebrow to the choice of the bold, metallic green (with the gaudy bow.) Was it too much, or just enough? Then again, it is Lanvin..and how can you shy away from anything Lanvin?!

We'll let you be the judge! Would you love it, or leave it?

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