Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kanye West & Jimmy Kimmel Squash Their Beef!

Kanye West & Jimmy Kimmel settled their differences last night, on Jimmy Kimmel Live

How could we forget the intense feud that ensured between late night talk show host, Jimmy Kimmel and rapper Kanye West last month, after Kimmel spoofed the "passionate" interview West gave to BBC. The parody sent West into a Twitter tizzy, tweeting a series of irate tweets attacking Kimmel, igniting a social media beef far greater than any rap battle to date! However, last night it seems the dueling duo came to amends as West, now popularly known as Kim Kardashian's baby daddy, appeared as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

As viewers held their breath, not knowing what could erupt, the conversation was not combative in the slightest, and the men settled their differences. Kanye, of course, explained his notions that he is a "creative genius" and they gave the public the real scoop on what caused the feud. The two had nurtured a "real" friendship (as real as it can get), and Kanye felt betrayed by the spoof.

The highlight (and laugh worthy) part of the interview was when Kimmel gifted Kanye with leather shorts, which was the subject of the original skit. Again, this triggered Kanye to engage in one of his infamous rants about fashion, being a celebrity, his family AND...pretty much everything else under the sun!

The pair ended on a good note though, as West confessed that he really hadn't watched the entire sketch, and Kimmel admitting, that it really wasn't that funny! Aww! Now they can go back to being "friends", and we can allllll go back to our humdrum Twitter feeds.

Check out the spoof, and the Kimmel/West interview below:


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